Windfest 2007 - Feedback Thread

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Windfest 2007 - Feedback Thread

Post by KUS »

Hey all- I thought that the Fest deserved some feedback to help make future events even more fun (both positive and constructive) & I just wish to officially congratulate and recognize the huge crew of volunteers, the sponsors and organizers for their amazing effort :!:

Yes, the weather wasn't so great on the race days but that certainly shouldn't detract from the great success of the event :!:

Great Windfest, wonderful things but some Suggestions:

-Reminder to keeping yer food & garbage under wraps, especially if on the outskirts, the bear had a great time tearing up that tent trailer, good thing nobody got hurt including the bear (at least I hope), could happen to anyone so maybe a central garbage location would be great
-The dogs....holy crap...the dogs...why not leave them at home if you at all can during this busy time; I noted several people had theirs under control but I saw many galloping into kids, shitting in the site, running over kites and sails :roll: Some were also majorly freaked during fireworks, not fun for them, get a sitter if you at all could. Happy there were not many fights.
-Racing events- the wind didn't play along, granted so I think we all appreciated that short notice pouncing on the wind windows was in order. maybe quick blasts on the beach to call all skippers down quickly would help here.
-When there's skipper meeting at 12, they should also start at 12 ...and not find out later there was one follow-up at 1330 afterall and all the rashies were gone :cry: posting an updated agenda in the middle of the campsite might help with this to inform all
VW drivers- not sure you know this but your exhaust pipes point down, thereby dusting everyone when you pass, get that fixed during the winter, eh? :wink: thanks for all driving slowly and watching for pets and kids
-to those tree kiters (and those who were just plain lucky and showing off at full speed near the crowd on the beach....ya might wanna consider what happens to the safety credibility of an event like this (or the insurance broker's views) when you cream someone into the hospital during one of your stunts....tripping over things etc. can ALWAYS happen, not an excuse for careless launches, keep yer wits, glad nobody got hurt
- There seemed to be a bit of revenue generation going on, appreciate things need to be paid for but.....Salmon & crab were great but you weren't served at candle lit tables with cloth napkins by french-maid costume wearing cuties (cuties none-the-less :) ) You should be able to enter any event for that $20, maybe get a shirt included for a bit cheaper if you entered an event as opposed to being a drunk spectator....anyways, maybe food (ha! I crack me up) for thought
-Charging your batteries during the wind hours of the day, esp near the concessions...I was an offender for a few minutes, don't know what I was thinking :? well, I wasn't, too much booze obviously and I apologize to all those I gassed out :wink:

Endless Wonderful things, here are a few:

-General great vibe, all ages, genders, sailors/kiters in a great mix
-Respect by all it seemed for others as evidenced by a well behaved crowd, very little stupidity and sharing of space, shelters, sites, gear
-Sound, race set ups, booths, food, wow :twisted: not much to improve upon there
-The provided food was fabulous!! I enjoyed all those morsels :P
-One medium sized fire warmed all latecomers (at least on the first night), nice not to have several huge infernos threatening to burn down the island
-Parking was well managed and all tried to leave room for others, you could still have fit several larger RV's into the place even on Saturday, nice and very thoughtful of the early-comers!!
-Liked the police and ambulance presence, maybe not required but certainly welcomed and comforting, glad nobody pulled rank and no over-reacting on the law enforcement front
-Presentations, contests, etc. impressive, nice work and great stamina you workers of the microphone and zodiacs

All in all what a great event, once again thanks to all those that made it happen. I hope others can comment both positively and constructively :idea:
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Post by norona »

KUS thanks for posting. I am a new kiter and love Nitinaht and was not there this past weekend i was there over 5 days through the previous long weekend. I love Nitinaht for the great spot and great people and it is a great spot as there not many rules. It seems though when you don't have rules you always get people not thinking..
I expereinced the same with dogs over the long weekend. Love dogs but it is not fun when they are cruising around as some are scared of dogs, they don't know where to be when we are untangling lines etc...and this was the first time I saw tons of dog crap. Not too fun when you step in it or put your kite down in it.
If people park, drive, keep their dogs under control then there will be no need for rules. Lets not have it get out of control too much so the caretakers have to instill rules.

We also saw a guy flying a trainer down by the windsurfing beach near kids and people. He was asked not to but continued and was ready to fight the windsurfer who called him out. What a tool! Maybe a good place for trainers is far up the beach near the rivers as the logs now make it hard to launch there but still enough room for trainers to do their thing.
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Post by AC »

I think it was good that someone let the guy know that there were by standerds around and it could be dangerous flying while kids and people are down wind. Most people on the windsurfing end have no idea how to handle kites and kite should be in there own designated flying spots.
If he did pick a fight with the windsurfer. He should of got strung up in a tree and people should have put there fish carcasses next to him.

There is no reason for this and the person that was flying the kite
obviously has no concept of turbulant wind.
as for the Dogs.
Is saw a few dogs from the reserve and also many others.
I think the dogs are fine and if they are a problem to make shure
they are tied up away from the beach. I watched A Big Brown dog run over three kites. NOT COOL.
But if there was no dogs we would have a lot more bears.
I hate the dog shit as well. Someone put a rock on some shit and i went and put the rock on my kite to find that i just covered my kite in shit.
If i catch someone not picking there dogs shit up i am going to make them eat it.
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Post by Mattdog »

Nitinat's too busy. Go to Nimpkish and leave Nat for the aliens
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Post by Nosey »

I like aliens!!!!!!!!!Maybe we could get guys like that to do a shit pick up on the beach. If we find people Launching or flying trainer kites down wind in the Windsufing area, we could give them a clear bag, and tell them to get on with EAT forget the eating thing!
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Post by KUS »

hmm, ok, agreed on the shit thing & trainer stuff :oops: but I guess I was hoping for feedback for organizers/volunteers on what went down during the Fest.

BTW whoever put in the great paths with rocks as borders on the beach over the driftwood, nice going :P

Anyway, good input 8)
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Post by mortontoemike »

I'm really sorry that I had to miss Windfest 2007, especially after the hamstring thing screwed up Windfest 2006 for me. It sounds like everyone had a great time. We're fortunate that Judi and Dale and Mark and all the volunteers donate their time and effort to this yearly wind party.

If kite people with trainers are "landing" at the "windsurfers beach" I doubt very much that they want to be there. In fact they are probably scared (dog)shitless and would rather not be ending up there.

On long weekend I saw one confrontation where Gwind told a kiter he should not land his kite on the beach near the public launch. The guy acknowledged it was bad. Earlier in the week AC reacted heroically and very quickly, driving his (stinky) Ski Doo right up on the beach, jumped off, and intercepted a kite that had tangled with another kite and was blowing towards some kids on the "windsurfer beach". (Good on ya AC :D )

Everyone needs to be aware of what is going on on the water and near the beach. My grand daughter, the incredibly cute Mila, was on the beach for a couple of days and I was watching like a hawk. It's unfortunate but that's the nature of the place now.
Last edited by mortontoemike on Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by t.o.w. »

Whats the big deal about the vw exaust sure it may put up a little bit of dust but they are made that way and what do you expect them to go and get a whole new exaust instuled?

Windfest was wicked although the wind was not all that great we were still able to run all the events for kiting and they were all a success. The big air and the freestyle may not have been the most epic but all and all it was a great weekend.

Thanks a bunch Judy, Dale, And Mark
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Post by KUS »

Whats the big deal about the vw exaust sure it may put up a little bit of dust but they are made that way and what do you expect them to go and get a whole new exaust instuled?
It was a PSA mostly but....since you asked: Yes I do :roll: or, well, you could spend $3 and pick up a 90 degree screw-on pipe end cuz sure as shit you'll be working on the engine one day (it is a VW afterall) and get crap in your eyes....and never sail/kite again.....and I wouldn't want that to happen :roll: Jeeeeeeez Glad you read the thread tho 8)
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Post by BigD »

Windfest was fun. Nice to see some organized wind fun on this side of Hood River. Love to see more events like this, especially for the windsurfers. The Kiters seem to have no problem growing their ranks lately but the windsurfing department looked a little sparse, I'd like to think it was due to the forecast/lack of wind but I'm not totally convinced.

Thanks to all who organized/ran the show. I got a kick out of the kids walking through the campground announcing that pancakes were for sale with megaphone, sausages too.

Despite the lack of wind we made some new friends and had a good time at the campfire on Saturday night.


- Windsurfers, show up! Bring your friends!

- Thank you again to the organizers! Looking forward to next year.

- Maybe post the menu/prices on BWD a few days before, I remember hearing about a concession stand but we brought all our food cause' we didn't know

- $20 for each event seems a bit steep, especially for a guy who can barely jibe. $20 for all the events might get more people(windsurfers) out. Especially the cannon fodder.

- I guess I can't really complain because I didn't stick around to see if the wind would pickup and the races would run on Sunday but I hope my $20 entry fee goes towards next years event. I know some guys entered 2 events that didn't run. 40 bones ouch. Maybe some sort of contingency like a 50/50 draw for the guys/gals who signed up for each event?

- Also I bought some 50/50 tickets and have no idea when the draw was. I know the guy who won the kiteboard said he was lucky to be there when the draws started happening cause he was camping at the windsurfing end and just happened to walk over. Next year I'll ask when the draw is.

- Maybe a small speaker at the windsurfing end would help keep communication lines open all along the beach?

Cheers, see you next year! 8)
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Post by oceanrodeo »

Ocean Rodeo would like to say a very special thank-you to all involved in the organization of the event this year - a really well run show.

With regards to some comments in the previous post I offer these thoughts:

- Ocean Rodeo has already stepped up to provide the rash guards for next year's events and, yes, the competitors can keep them afterwards. :)

- I too thought the food was amazing - great job, the crab was awesome

- The DJ was incredible - BRING HIM BACK. Great choice of music at all times and he worked really hard to time the pace and style of music with the events.

- Clean up - Ross H and the DJ (who had not slept yet) cleaned the whole beach early Sunday morning. I know that drunks will throw cans but possibly a good idea to have some 50 gallon drums out for them to shoot at?

- Great call to carry the party into the evening and allow people to stay in one spot rather than sliding off to a number of smaller parties in the camp grounds. I did a walk around the road around midnight and was amazed at how quiet and calm it was away from the party.

- Windsurfers! - Bring the hype next year! We would have loved to have seen more of you pole skimmers out there this year! Send out the call for reinforcements for next year and let's get a great event going to show the respect between our two tribes exists at Nitinaht if not elsewhere.

- Bobson - thanks for not beating me up. Sorry I told you touch rugby was dumb. - Though I still don't understand it.

- I'd like to see a line of bouys set 25-40 feet from the shore line that is the closest a competitor in the freestyle can come into the beach. There were some very near misses in the men's freestyle competition due to riders coming far too close to shore.

- Do shit - I agree, it sucks. I picked up a couple of piles off the beach on Sunday. I think the more realistic approach to dog management might simply be to encourage anyone who sees a dog crapping to point it out to the owner or help to remove it themselves. This will encourage others to do so and will show respect for our beach. I did see one dog owner watch her dog crap and walk on...I made a show of picking it up and I think my point was made.

- Lights - obviously difficult to put lights around the whole road but since the one opening to the camp fire was used by so many people putting a couple low slung lights on that path from the camp ground to the camp fire would be good...I fell at least once.

All in all I think the event went really really well. I have to echo Kus's thoughts that the attitude of everyone there was fantastic. I am having trouble thinking of many other bush parties with that many guys where there was no fights and very little chaos.

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Post by Chris »

Big thanks to all the organisers and volunteers. Yes, a well run event especially so under the light conditions. Thanks also to all the prize donators :wink:
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Post by Jfish »

Thanks for starting this thread Kus.
As a relatively new windsurfer (I've only really been sailing for 3-4 years), I would have liked to have seen more of a windsurfing presence. It is not that people weren't there - something just went a little haywire somewhere.

I know there is a history with regards to wired, windfest whatever. I am almost wondering if there needs to be separate forum topic to decide upon if the local community of windsurfers wants to be involved and if so what it would take to see that. I personally don't know how I feel about the issue. I realized this past weekend that I am out there to have fun and hang out with friends, make new friends and that happens with or without windfest.

I want to say - Good on you Dale and Jude for still running the freestyle event for windsurfing and letting Georgia get out there to show her stuff. I wish I had known, I would have liked to have been there to watch and support her.

Having said this, maybe it does bring up a recommendation. Have some sort of signal that can be heard the length of the beach that indicates the start of each new event would be good. It was impossible to hear what was going on at the DJ booth area from the day use area. I assumed all windsurfing events had been cancelled after some key individuals had left. I had no idea anything was still going to happen.
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Next Year NWF

Post by nitinaht_brat »

A very big thank you to everyone who participated in Nitinaht Wind Fest 2007. kleco! kleco!

Thoughts for next year:

- make it a five day event: one day for demos, two days for kiting competitions and two days for windsurfing competitions

- have separate events entirely for pros and amateurs

- have entertaining 'fun' competitions morning or evenings (paddle board races, limbo, costume)

- thanks for the offer of the OR rash guards JZ, but Dakine already had that covered two years ago and Dakine provides additional rash guards each year

- I have politely declined other big companies who offered to 'pay cash' for full sponsorship of the event

Please email me your thoughts to:

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Post by kitesurferdale »

So now that it has been a week since windfest, hopefully all are rested and recouped. If you have photos or vids of the weekend, we would love the submissions via judes email on this way we can created a page for the 2007 weekend to promote for the 2008 year. Thanks for all of those who supported us this last weekend.
Airtime! whoo hoooo, its all about the airtime...... ok waves rock too!
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