Noobs & Kooks Unite! (Island View?)

General discussions about kiting: equipment, setup tips, safety, where to go, where you should have been, lost and found
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Post by SmallWaveSteve »

Does San Pareil go off very often this time of year? Or what does it need for wind (thermals, or just storm winds)?
(I haven't been there since I was like 6)
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san pareil

Post by slats »

we have a local group of parksvillans who regularly kite San Pareil.
if you are interested in being in the wind alert group, pm me and we'll
hook you up.
johnny slats
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Post by abetanzo »

Sunday is looking good for San P. any Victorians planning to head up? or and Parksvillians going out?
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Post by SmallWaveSteve »

Ff the forecast holds up I may head up!
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Post by abetanzo »

Im on a trip up to Francis Lake via Nitinat to explore and party... but really want to try out San P. as it seems to be the best place to mess around in shallow waters
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Post by SmallWaveSteve »

Iv or sp tomorrow?
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Post by cguygo »

s.p. i hope
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Post by slats »

if the wind model holds, I think that SP is going to be a place where people are heading mid island. The tide is out and there will be lots of beach for me to continue my walk of
we had a good late evening session and Bucanero was well powered on his 10, I sucked, but what else is new.haha
c everybody there
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Post by SmallWaveSteve »

Anyone wanna play at IV?
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Post by abetanzo »

I'm heading up to San P or CB for Saturday.. then to Port A in the afternoon... anyone heading out keen on helping out a newbie??
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Post by abetanzo »

Saturday the 16th is decent in the morning before it turns... might be heading out if not hung
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Post by SmallWaveSteve »

I may be down, I want to kite & snowboard in the same day! (and surf, paddleboard, and wakerboard, but dont know if that'll happen) Mt Washington is open this weekend!
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Post by abetanzo »

Im gona try either way with a hangover or not! Hope Haro Strait forecast works out to be a little more!
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Post by SmallWaveSteve »

Anyone who may be interested in doing some car-assisted downwinders at Gordon's tomorrow give me a shout. We're thinking ~5-530ish
The very rough plan: ditch a car down by Otter Point, get a ride to Gordo's. If you stay upwind awesome, if not, you have a couple KM downwinder!
If I don't have to worry about staying upwind I wanna do another strapless session!

I'm also camping out at French beach fri & sat, so if anyone is interested in Gordo's or Renfrew give me a shout!
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