Johnny Read's last blast - The Big Bang

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Unread post by bwd »

Penguin wrote:I think that anything extra should go to the Graham Norris Foundation
I agree 100%.

Is there a name/address that I can send a cheque to? Some of us aren't close to downtown.
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Johnny Read's Last Blast

Unread post by Iggy »

BWD- Cash would be best.
You can mail it to me ( Bruce ) at 107 Cook St. V8V 3W8
For those working during the day I live across the street from park headquarters at 107 Cook... you can put it in my mailbox on a weekend if that works better.
Best to call first so I don't miss it.
The money jar is in the office at the Park headquarters ( 100 Cook St., behind the cricket pitch ).
The phone there is 361-0600 if you need to call.
Last edited by Iggy on Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Another way to donate...

Unread post by bwd »

Donations for Johnny Read's Last Blast

You can now donate using a credit card or paypal through this website from now until 5pm April 30, 2008. This method is safe.

Follow this link:

Enter the amount and add a comment: "For Johnny Read", or something like that.

I will summarize the donations here and then give Bruce the total amount next week. I will cover the small Paypal service fee. I figured this would be a good way for people that can't easily get downtown to drop off money or find it easier to contribute using a credit card. You can also donate using the instructions that Bruce has posted above.

Donations received so far: Updated April 30, 2008
1. BWD (Dave Billenness) $50
2. Russian Dood (Andrei Vojakine) $20
3. Colin (Colin Green) $20
4. Kite Kook (Paul Underhill) $20
5. Lindsey (Lindsey Browes) $40
6. Suzsanna Tulcsik $20
7. UnusuallyLargeRobin (Judy & Robin Mitchell) $30
8. Penguin (Gareth Turner) $20
9. Martyd (Martin Dovick) $20
10. Foilboy (Chris Hildebrand) $100
11. Wingnut (Don Lacasse) $20
12. Windwoman (Pat Ashton) $20
13. Downwind Dave (Dave Bergman) $20
14. Voodmon (Tim Trillwood) $20
15. Bones (Tony Jones) $40
16. Rosemarie Wilk $25
17. Arturo (Art Herd) $200
18. mshepard (Mark Shepard) $40
19. bricktop (Tammie & Gerry Bolda) $20
20. Ross (Ross Harrington) $40
21. More force 4 (Morley Eldridge) $25
22. DaveB (David Butler) $40
23. Iggy (Bruce McCalla) $50
24. gmac (Grant MacPherson) $40
25. Elizabeth (Trevor McRae and Elizabeth Fox) $40
26. rs (Deb and Rob Scott) $50
27. Johnnyman (John Ballantyne) $20
28. Kus (Markus Koloska) $40
29. Starboard Steve (Steve Hutchison) $20
30. Wavos Rancheros (Roger Duddridge) $20
31. Morewind (Mike Teachman) $20

TOTAL AMOUNT: $1150 8) :D
AND from the collection jar set up at Parks ($260):

Paul (Paul Gatto) $20.
Mike P. $20.
Ian Webb $20.
Chuck Bass $20.
Catstrax $20.
Anonymous $25.
Wendy Fox $10.
Jerry $5.
Low Talker $20. (Paul Callan/Janice&Luke)
P. Meechan $20.
Michelle Gorman $20. (Bug Lady)
Ricki Baginski $40.
Paul Deniverville $20
Last edited by bwd on Mon May 12, 2008 11:47 am, edited 28 times in total.
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Johnny's last blast

Unread post by Iggy »

We are tentatively looking at a May date.
I'll pick a day, likely a Saturday and schedule a rain date if weather sucks.
The pyro needs to order his gear before the end of April, he has another order coming at that time so no freight charges for us.
The city guys are funding John's memorial bench so we should expect to cover all other costs.
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Unread post by Gareth »

Thanks Dave for making it so easy to donate.
Its all about the adventure and stoke!
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Johnny's last blast

Unread post by Iggy »

As of today (25th) there's $15 in the jar at parks.
I'm still hoping for a 10" shell for the finally but because of Canada Customs regulations they are difficult to import & our tech cannot get one from his suppliers.
I found a company in Calgary that have indicated they can supply one, still waiting for confirmation and final cost.
We also need 10" launch tube, though I was advised there may be one on Quadra Island we can borrow.
I'll drive up & get it.
The Calgary company will loan us one if need be, but would have to pay for shipping here & back.
The 10" shell was not in the original budget of $600 but I think it's fitting we go as big as we can...I'm in to get it but this is everybody's money so I'm open to suggestions.
At the very most this might add$200/$300 bucks to our $600 total. possibly less.
Keep in mind this is Johnny's LAST BLAST!
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Unread post by bwd »

As you can see by the above totals, we have $785 collected from the group here so far (through Paypal). I am always impressed by the groups generosity. It makes me proud to be part of it.

My goal is $1000 by next Wed, April 30 5pm... :wink:
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Unread post by KUS »

Of course I am in but one clarification: these donations will cover the original plan for the bang and the remainder will go to the foundation then?

I personally love the idea of the bang and am willing to support it but also don't think the bang should be overly "enlarged" much beyond the original idea and of course so many are in support of it. I think the benefit of the foundation should be considered above and beyond the bang event if any money is left over and Johnny would have been very in favor of the first aid supplies etc. for the Nat and other locations.

my two cents 8) sorry I will likely miss the bang event, have a blast JR and all :!:
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Johnny's last Blast

Unread post by Iggy »

Thanks for the feedback cuz.
We're ditching the whole bigger is better idea and the 10" shell, as it turns out new saftey regulations require a 620' no spectator zone with "oversized" shells so Finlayson Pt. wouldn't work anyway.
The original plan will be perfect & the Graham Norris Fund will benefit as well.
Well done folks, your response and generosity has been phenomenal!
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Unread post by bwd »

Reminder: you still have until tomorrow at 5pm to donate to Johnny's Last Blast. Any extra funds will be sent to the Graham Norris Foundation. Thank you everyone!
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Johnny Read's Last Blast

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I'm scheduling a May 15th. ( Thursday) launch for John's last blast.
I'll pick up the jar from Parks later today & report total.
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Unread post by bwd »

I am happy to report that after expenses for the fireworks the total amount left is $730. I just sent a cheque off today to the Graham Norris Foundation with a list of the contributors. Here is the letter:

Well done everyone and special thanks to Bruce (Iggy) and Don at AFA Fireworks.

Maybe we can make this fund raising an annual event and donate to charity?
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Unread post by Snarfer »

BWD and all,

Thank you very very much for your contributions, they are greatly appreciated. One of the first things we will be doing is setting up a safety pod at Nitinat. Icarumba is working with KSD and the Dididaht nation leadership to come up with a solution that makes sense in an area renowned for no cell phone coverage and distance from regular medical facilities. We are also working to formally structure the organization which turns out to be not so simple. As well, we have commitments to further fund our efforts. So all in all it is proceeding well. If anybody has any questions I'd be happy to answer them. Once again, thanks to all of you for your continuing support and especially to BWD for the visibility and help.
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