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is there anyway ...

Unread post by wind_dummy »

to make my phone alert me when sheringham hits 25 ?
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Re: is there anyway ...

Unread post by bwd »

wind_dummy wrote:to make my phone alert me when sheringham hits 25 ?
yes there is a way
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Telus, or Google it?
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wind_dummy wrote:Telus, or Google it?
Oh sorry, you want me to be more specific? Few questions:

1. Do you have Telus? It doesn't have to be Telus, but I know how to do it easily with Telus.
2. Can your phone accept SMS messages (short message service text messaging)? Probably can if you are already checking BWD reports on your cell.
3. Are you sure you want 25 knots? Thats kind of high. How about 23? I guess you want guaranteed 4.7.
4. I think each incoming message costs 10c - is that ok? I pay $5 extra per month for unlimited incoming messages. But I get weather alerts, weather forecasts and even the message board sent to my cell so it is worth it. For just Sheringham > 25 messages, maybe 10c each is better? You decide.

The message length is limited to 140 characters so it is a little cryptic. Here's an example:

etc. up to about 12 lines.

SP = Sheringham Point
RR = Race Rocks
LE = Lennard Is
BA = Ballenas Isl
CA= Carmanah Point
DI = Discovery Is
EP = East Point
EI = Entrance Is
ES = Esquimalt Harbour
GO = Gonzales Point
KR = Kelp Reef
LA = LaPerouse Banks
SM = Smith Isl
TA = Tatoosh Isl
TR= Trial Is
VH = Vicoria Harbour
VA = Victoria Airport

If you are using Telus, the message is sent using your cell number as part of an email address :

So I just need your cell number, wind threshold, sites you want added, and then I can add you to the list.
Oh forgot to mention - you only get messages from 6am to 9pm, and I can set it so you only get alerts when the wind comes from a certain direction ie. Sheringham W25 will give an alert but E25 won't. This isn't too important for Sheringham but it can be for something like Gonzales.

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Hey, how about you just phone us up, Dave? :D
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Re: More details...

Unread post by wind_dummy »

bigwavedave wrote:
wind_dummy wrote:Telus, or Google it?
Oh sorry, you want me to be more specific? Few questions...
dude, this is SICK! .... i will pm you or catch you at the beach with my # fo sure [smilie=beer.gif]
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