BWD Wiki

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BWD Wiki

Unread post by bwd »

Something new for the website => The BWD Wiki

What is a wiki:
A collaborative website which can be directly edited by anyone with access to it

The BWD Wiki has pages that you can edit and add content to. The pages contain a Sailing Site Guide, Safety Guides, Articles and a Website FAQ. We can add other topics on request.

For the Sailing Guide, a template has been made for each of the sites and you can visit the Columbia Beach site to get an idea of the content. Thanks to Morewind for his help on the template 8) So what we need now is contributors to fill in details for each of the sites. The template is just a guide so feel free to add/subtract from it. I can add more sites easily too. This goes back to the idea from this post (2.5 yrs and I'm finally getting to it!):

For the Articles section I thought this could be a place for anyone who wants to do writeups on gear reviews, technique, weather etc.

To edit the pages you will have to login first and also be part of the wiki usergroup. Login using your forum username and password. If you can't login then you are probably not a member of the wiki group yet. Send me an email if you would like to join the group. I have added members that I think would like to add content, but I'm sure there are others. Login, then hit the edit button on one of the pages to see how to add content. It's tricky at first to get the editing figured out, but after a few tries it's easy. You can even upload photos and link to them as well.

Thank you for contributing. Comments are welcome. Post your questions here.

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Unread post by WindePendanT »

Thanks Dave, and Morewind.
You guys rock the shizle all over the hizzle.
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Unread post by JL »

Nice work. I tried to add to the I. View info. A few errors but I meant well !!!
Thermals are good.
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Unread post by colin »

see the following photo for my menu issue IE 6.0 Win XP

Edited by BWD: removed photo, hopefully fixed..thanks for the help
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Unread post by bwd »

Thanks for the comments! It's very cool to sleep in late and then find out that people have added pages to the website 8) Nice work already. I'm glad people are using it. I still have to read about Morewind's Ocean Cold Water Dresses...

Thanks Colin...I'll try to fix that. I only checked it using IE7 and Firefox.
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Unread post by more force 4 »

Nice, Dave! I added a few lines to Agate to try it out. Just adding straight text seems easy, I'll have to find out how to format so it has a slight indent beneath the bullet.

Colin has pointed out the problem with IE6.0 already.
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Unread post by bwd »

It took a while, but hopefully I fixed the IE6 issue. Let me know how it looks now. Thanks.

Here is a tip for adding a new page to the Wiki:

Go to the wiki main page. See the search box? Type in the name of your article "MyArticle" or whatever. Hit GO. It will tell you that there is no page with that title...that's good. Now hit the link "create this page". It will take you to an Edit page where you can type in your article, upload pictures etc. Hit preview to see your pages. Hit Save to save it. No one will see your page until you make a link to it on the Article page. To do that, open the Article page, hit Edit and do this [[MyArticle]].
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Unread post by ~~~~~4j~~ »

Love the new Wiki Dave! I just added some Piper's info. Just an idea to save some potential frustration for those entering data: save your edits frequently, or write stuff first in MSWord or similar. The wiki page I was editing must have timed out after I wrote for 20 minutes, and I lost all the info!
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Unread post by ~~~~~4j~~ »


Please, if you are familiar with a particular beach, take a few minutes and add more info to the Sailing Guide! It is really easy, in the guide for a particular site just click on the "edit" tab, log in, and add your info.

Kiteboarding comments for each site are desperately needed, especially regarding safety concerns.
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