Blackberry and BWD

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more force 4
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Blackberry and BWD

Unread post by more force 4 »

Anyone know how to get a Blackberry to log on? I can get only the ID or the password to enter, not both. It lets me into one entry box but then not the next. Also is there a way to get 'inline frames' working? It would be nice to get models, wind graphs from various stations. Still, the latest reports comes up with enough clicks, thats the biggest help!
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Unread post by bwd »

On your Blackberry visit and install the opera mini browser. That should work better. Or better yet get an iPhone :wink:

Let me know if it works.
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Unread post by more force 4 »

That's great much better thanks dave! 8) :lol:
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Unread post by BK »

Dave, I've been using the Blackberry for a while now...Awsome little gadget... I find that if at first you don't suceed, try and try again.(busy?) Also the the forum and latest pic. windows on the home page won't load, you have to click on the link.
Otherwise is't all Great... Good Job!!!
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Opera Mini

Unread post by saulman »

I'm using operamini on my BB Pearl with pretty good success except when I call up the forecasts page.

The Last (whatever day) and Today links do not work. The forecast starts on Today and I can select the following day but I cannot get back to Today or select the last day in the forecast. Is anyone else having this issue?

on my device it appears like this

Today Tomorrow
Thurdsay Model Info

The the links for the first item in each line don't work.

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Re: Opera Mini

Unread post by bwd »

saulman wrote:The Last (whatever day) and Today links do not work. The forecast starts on Today and I can select the following day but I cannot get back to Today or select the last day in the forecast. Is anyone else having this issue?
Hi saulman:
Thanks for the detailed description of the problem. Try it now and let me know if it's any better. I used the opera mini simulator to check out the problem:
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Unread post by saulman »

Works great! Thanks Dave!
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