Please help us get the votes!!

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Please help us get the votes!!

Unread post by Skeltic »

Hi everyone,

I do not ask people to click on things too often but this one is a good cause. It is a local native band in Port Alberni, the Tseshaht trying to get gov funding. How this works is that you sign up to this site and vote and if they win they get 100-150,000 to build a canoe park near Port Alberni. You can vote one a day everyday. I am not asking for donations just 5 sec's of your time... as many times as you are willing.


Matt Williamson

Please please click and vote!!!!!
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Aviva Project

Unread post by Cindy »

Voting done and I reposted to Canadian Outrigger Racing Associations website.
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Unread post by Skeltic »

Thank you Cindy
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more force 4
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Unread post by more force 4 »

Voted (I think, didn't check the 'votes' before-and-after), but I don't see any mention of government funding for this like your post says Skelt; it seems the money will come from a community development fund of a big insurance company. More people might be willing to support on that basis.
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Unread post by Skeltic »

you are correct mf4. Thought it was gov at first but after reading more..... There was a group that presented about this at our Morning Rotary meeting and it seemed that it was gov funds but you are right\
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