Looking for Comox/Victoria Todd

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Looking for Comox/Victoria Todd

Unread post by friendlyfire »

I'm trying to track down the Todd who lives in Victoria with folks up here in Comox. On Boxing Day I busted a kite line during a super windy session at Goose Spit and Todd helped me get in safely....
thanks dude!

We talked about kite knives, which neither of us were carrying that day.

The incident woke me up to the importance of carrying a knife, so I did some researched and ordered a few really great double bladed knives, complete with pouch.

Todd, one of these is for you. Next time you are in town I'll pass it over, or I can mail it down to Vic if you like it sooner. Sent me a pm or email to brian.muir@shaw.ca

Other goose riders.... reply back if you are interested in one of these knives (Captain Hook). I have a few extra for sale at cost ($15)
Posts: 13
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 4:51 pm
Location: Comox
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Unread post by friendlyfire »

fyi, Todd sent me a PM so all is good.
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