ATAN booties Review

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ATAN booties Review

Unread post by KUS »

Best reviews I have seen for these, from our own message board, thought I would capture them....could not agree more :!:

Thankgodiatepastafobreaky: Hey Teabag - I'm interested to hear more about your booties. Where did you get them and are they really that good?!
- Thursday May 16, 7:40AM
Teabag: Marcus (Kus) sell them in Vic. As for "are they really that good"; compare to any bootie I have tried so far: YES!!!. Maybe it is only because of thickness? How thick are they Kus? Would they be good for the winter as well? - Thursday May 16, 8:06AM
Smallwavesteve: I can second that the Atan booties are really that good. A pro(or con)is that your feet slip in an out of the footstraps easier. They're 3mm, but my feet were toasty warm at IV in dec (warmer than my 5mm excels) - Thursday May 16, 8:40AM
Downwind Dave: love my my atans but you want to avoid long barnacley walks if you can, the trade off is they get cut up easy. - Thursday May 16, 8:51AM
Kus: these were the booties donated @recent RVYC fundraiser, no footstrap issues for me, the opposite there is no binding or scuffing wearing out the straps...yes, you do want to avoid barnacles but I use mine at Klover, glass barnacle heaven, year round. hurts more on the JR or CB rocks - Thursday May 16, 9:14AM
Thankgodiatepastafobreaky: ok - sign me up for a pair Kus! size 9.5. Sounds fine for strapless. I can always carry beefy booties and flippers in my backpack for walking and swimming! - Thursday May 16, 9:34AM
Smallwavesteve: maybe slip wasn't the best choice of words. You can't get as locked in as the with the OR booties, but you can get your foot in and out more like you're barefoot - Thursday May 16, 10:13AM
Juandesooka: Atans...if they can make west wind arrive sooner, sign me up! Are they slippery inside? That's my knock against the OR booties. I do like thicker soles for walking, but these atans might be a good option for the spots where that isn't an issue. - Thursday May 16, 10:35AM
Smallwavesteve: They move around on my foot less than my OR booties. You can go tighter on them because they're thin enough that you can roll them on/off almost more like a sock - Thursday May 16, 11:26AM
Downwind Dave: my 3mm Atan ankle booties are so comfy they make my Xcels feel like gardening boots. they also don't give me toe wedgie like some other split-toe designs out there. - Thursday May 16, 11:29AM
Teabag: Kus these booties really feel like riding barefoot, unbelievable!!! It is a sin to have used regular booties all these years. - Monday May 13, 10:23PM

" For those types that pack up mid-October and re-join the freezing masses the following April look away now. But for the all-year, hardy sailors then these slinky, kinky rubber split toes are what you want to keep your pinkies warm without feeling like you’ve just put a pair of wellies on to go sailing. We were given several pairs to try during the recent Boardseeker Freeride test which we did throughout March and into April when the hills above us were still covered in snow!

“The ‘Barefoot feeling’ is achieved by using a natural latex dip process which is unique to ATAN.”

Did we like ‘em? Hell yes!! They really felt different than normal wetsuit boots. Much more feel through your sole of your foot and the split toe (although it felt a bit strange to begin with) allowed you to use your foot naturally, ie.pressing down with your big toe to get the board on the plane or initiating a gybe etc. The split toe also stops your foot sliding to the front of the boot.

“New to the split toe range this summer is the MADI; a summer split toe boot/shoe.”

They were comfy, easier to put on than normal boots and most importantly; warm. We’d love to try and find some fault with the boots so you’d think we were giving them a ‘fair review’ but they really were stunning. Why all the other manufactures keep producing the same old dinghy style boot for windsurfers is beyond us. Buy a pair now!!

Top Tip: Go for a snug fit! "

Iwindsurf forum: "dcfordo Joined: 15 Jun 2006
Posts: 24 PostPosted: 20 Nov 2012 01:50 Post subject:
Atan is the only way to go. They are hard to find, but clearly the best I have tried, and I have tried a bunch.
They are comfortable, have great board feel, and last a long time.
Most everything I have tried was bulky and uncomfortable. O'neil, 5fingers, Prolimit.
Excel superflex booties felt great, but would fall apart in about 2 months."

"scargo Joined: 19 May 2007
Posts: 235 PostPosted: 21 Nov 2012 18:32 Post subject:
I've been using a pair of Atan latex booties hard for almost two years, and they're still going strong.
I do want to try VFFs, though -- like the idea of putting em on at home, never having to change in & out of booties."

"noshuzbluz Joined: 19 May 2000
Posts: 719 PostPosted: 23 Nov 2012 18:10 Post subject:
I'll cast my vote for Atans. After wearing Oneill split toe for 15+ years I've been blessed with a set of bunyans! Between that and having wide, flat feet, the super stretchy Atans are wonderful for my weird shaped feet. It's the next best thing to bare feet."
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Unread post by Martin »


These look very interesting.
Hard to see in the pic how high they come up the leg?
I have been using O'neil split toe booties for years but perhaps time to try something new.
Love the bare feet in Baja but it is so easy to get cut on o rock, barnacle etc. when ones feet are nice and wet from a session!
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Unread post by downwind dave »

some dude is selling these on Usedvictoria at a good price! 8) :wink:
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Unread post by KUS »

Note: Fresh out of Maddison T3's (split toe size men's 9.5-11.5), only Mistrals T3 (round toe left). I still have T4 and T2's. :arrow:
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Unread post by cguygo »

my feet had their best session yesterday! so comfortable! :D :D Thanks for making those Atan's available to us Kus!!
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Unread post by Aboba »

Kus, you still selling these ATAN booties? I think I might like a pair.
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Unread post by GWIND »

The only way to go! All other booties feel like gum boots..the latex surface slips into the foot straps so smooth. The thin soul (brother) gives you a great feel on your board.
I know they look so sexy worn on the outside of your wetsuit, but I prefer to wear them under my suit. Keeps water out.
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Unread post by eastside »

They are the best. Are you getting the thicker ones in? Looks like they have a 6.5 mil but is that too bulky to get in foot straps?
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Unread post by nanmoo »

How do they last with use at places like the Columbia Beach barnacles?
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Unread post by eastside »

The down side is the soft bottoms don't hold up that well with the barnacles. They still last me about 100 sessions. That's the price you pay for sensitivity.
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Unread post by juandesooka »

After using them for a month ... 3mm plenty warm for summer Gordons.

Nice and thin, easier to get into straps, but once in, extra sensitivity doesn't make much difference.

Great for strapless surfboard riding, more feel of the board. Probably good for surfing and SUPing.

Harder on the feet walking on cobbles though. And any sharps would be deadly on them.

One thing...I'd read reviews online that they get stinky, and it's true....I think have to be careful to fold down the cuff and get some air circulating in there, or P.U.

I suspect they won't be as long lived as regular booties, but pretty comfortable.
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Unread post by KUS »

Lots of questions about sizing, they vary due to foot width a bit and the split toe ones fit a little smaller:
-2 is about Men's 6-8 1/2
-3 is about Men's 9-11 1/2
-4 is Men's 11 1/2 to 13 1/2
I won't bring in other sizes, sorry.

I special-ordered two pairs of the thicker ones to see, great for the cold JR water for sure but you lose the barefoot feel so it's a trade off. I have size 3 round toe & 4 split toe (9-13 mens). They also make a summer bootie, the Madi, got split toe size 3 in stock.

You do feel the rocks and barnacles thru them which comes with the thin soles of course, you can't have it both ways :roll: super thin feel but bomber protection, kinda like asking a 500hp engine to have great gas mileage or a 200L SUP to plane & be nimble on big waves......

On severe barnacles like Clover Pt (they stick up 3/4 inch like razors) you can cut them as any other booties. Personally I have only worn holes into these things after about 60-80 sessions and always under the big toes where I drive the board and deck pads.

I do have some stock left but it is dwindling so if you want best selection better get on it, who knows when I will get another shipment. France to US to Canada is a drag but the only viable route :? If I get an order sheet together it makes it easier...some guys have ordered 3prs at a time to ensure they have a supply. I won't sail with anything else :idea: and have a half dozen pairs in my kitty :wink: should last well beyond hip SX :shock:

EDIT: as for smell, NOOOO way! are they as bad as any other booties I have used, some I couldn't even keep inside the van :!: yep if not rinsed any bootie will reek but these are nowhere near as bad I have found....I suppose your feet could be different tho :lol:
Last edited by KUS on Sat Jul 13, 2013 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by windaddiction »

Ohh I need to get my wife to get my a pair for my birthday... hmmm i'll have to leave a link to your site up on the computer one night

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Unread post by eastside »

I have been putting wool socks on with the 3mil and it significantly increases the warmth in the winter. I don't find them stinky either. I always rinse them out.
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Unread post by KUS »

Last edited by KUS on Tue Jul 03, 2018 11:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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