photo resolution

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photo resolution

Unread post by tom »

any suggestions on pixel count for posting pix tp the galleries?
What is the resolution- pixel per inch setting people are using
I tried to upload, but get error message back saying too many pixels, though file size was only 211kb, then got one photo of randy up, but looks pixelated crapolated due to low res.
Advice for pixel-kook appreciated
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Unread post by bwd »

Hi Tom - the max width allowed was 2048 pixels wide but I just increased it so you can try uploading again. All pictures that are more than about 750 wide get automatically resized by the Gallery.

You are much better off to resize them to around 700-800 pixels wide yourself (before you upload), but you can let the Gallery do it if you want. It just won't look as good if you do it in something like Photoshop.

I have to resize the pictures since I have limited disk space and bandwidth. Photos of ~700 pixels wide end up being 60-70kb.

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Unread post by Russian Dood »

Hi Tom,

to make things clear I should point that there is no direct link between amount of pixels and physical file size if you are using JPEG format. JPEG is so called "lossy" format, it means that to make the file smaller it uses sertain facts about the nature of human vision an throws away some information we can't see anyway.

Speaking of pixels, if you use 640x480 resolution for the Gallery it should be OK, also you can try 800x600 but I'm not sure.
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Re: pixelation

Unread post by bwd »

Russian Guy wrote:Speaking of pixels, if you use 640x480 resolution for the Gallery it should be OK, also you can try 800x600 but I'm not sure.
Like I said - 800x600 will be resized by the Gallery. If you want to resize them yourself make sure they are less than about 710 pixels wide. 640x480 will work.

You can upload your original camera files (2048x whatever), but they will be resized due to limited disk space.
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thanks BWD

Unread post by tom »

got it
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