Sticky Bumps PUNT and WOO GPS

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Sticky Bumps PUNT and WOO GPS

Unread post by johnz »

What's up Victoria... just a heads up, I've used Ocean Rodeo's "immense" influence to get access to the Woo Sports Sensor and to Sticky Bumps Punt Wax.

So here's the deal.

Woo - Current best estimate is that we will be able to sell these for $300 CAD plus tax. I know, they are $199 USD but do the math and then import them & pay for shipping. I'm just guessing but that's the price we are going with.

Right now Ocean Rodeo is accepting pre-orders for a large shipment we are organizing. We will then carry very limited stock for the balance of the summer. If you want in on the pre-order, please Go Here to submit your credit card details. In the "Invoice" section put down "Woo Sensor Pre-Order" and in the "Invoice Total" section put multiples of $300 for how many sensors you want.

Punt Wax - this is much easier to deal with. It will be in stock next week. $5 per stick, $20 for 5.

Questions? Talk to Todd or Ned or drop by m-f, 8:30-4:30!!

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Unread post by BK »

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Unread post by nanmoo »

Note to self - When sticky punts wax wears off or melts off due to sun, stop jumping strapless or face repeated leg splits pain and crash carnage. Instead, return to shore and reapply.

Also, don't leave the bar of wax in sun or try to apply when it's too hot either. Mess, mess, mess.

This Stuff works sooo great, just remember to leave your stick fins up in the sun!
Don't forget to bring a towel!
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