Gear clean/storage

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Gear clean/storage

Unread post by ECarey »

I've been kiting since 2017 and there has been something that I have always wondered– what is the best way to pack up your gear at the end of the day for storage in terms of ease and gear longevity?

My process has always been to fold the kite rather neatly on the beach, then once home unfold, spray with fresh water. and dry to remove any salt residue. After the kite is dry I will then fold very neatly and repack in the bag. Excessive? Maybe. Time consuming? Yes.

What does everyone else do for kite/gear maintenance and is there a general consensus on how it should be done?
Last edited by ECarey on Wed May 27, 2020 3:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by juandesooka »

I am careful to never put wet gear in tight packing bags. Summer is easy. In winter, I drip dry it on lines under my carport and then bring it inside folded loose so air can get to it, until it is dry.

From what I have read, fresh water is the enemy, leads to mold, but salt water less a concern. I may rinse my bar if I think of it, but I've never fresh water bathed a kite.
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Unread post by nanmoo »

If you spray it with Fresh water you absolutely need to dry it out which it sounds like you do, otherwise mould is the enemy as John notes. Personally I think that is excessive and the wear and tear from packing/unpacking/drying/repacking is probably negating any benefit. Who knows for sure though.

I'd carefully just pack it away. Salt water inherently keeps mould away so it is fine. There are issues with dried salt crystals in any fabric as they cause significant friction leading to wear, but unless you are wearing you kite bag on your back around town there is just not enough movement and mechanical abrasion for that to matter.
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Unread post by ECarey »

Thank you both for your replies. I figured my routine was excessive, and this has confirmed it.

With respect to packing the kite into the bag, is there a certain way that is better than others?
I have been folding like it comes from OR towards the middle strut then folding into 3 equal parts to fit into the bag. More recently I have experimented with rolling from the tips to the middle strut and then folding into three equal parts as mentioned above.
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Unread post by juandesooka »

I see some kiters that appear to have worked at The Gap or were in the military, perfect folds every time. I am not fastidious like that. I fold it over and roll the two sides together likes this (takes half the time, and avoids the other side unrolling):

My gut instinct is it isn't good for the kite or bladder to have tight bends or rolls, so keeping it loose is better. If I had room, storing them out of the bag partially unfolded would probably be ideal.
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Unread post by AJSpencer »

I tried finding a thread about it, but the search terms were too vague. But it kind of fits in this one, but a little more on the windsurfing side.
The plugs for boards, for breathing? Do you guys take this out after every session? With my new board, I thought I better, but then I was out the other day and realized I forgot to put it in! Probably got a bunch of water in there... Now I took it out so it could vent out and I'll try harder to remember but, I'm wondering if most people just leave them in all the time for this reason.
Also, do people rinse off their sails to get the salt, sand, seaweeds, or whatever else off or not? I think like Nanmoo said, there isn't much movement so shouldn't be much damage being done. Lately I just put in sailbag (which breathes) and put away right after the beach, with seashell chips and all!
I also have cheaper sails so don't worry too much.
Do you rinse salt out of mast bases, booms, etc.?

I think a bit of lube/oil once in a while for mechanical parts does wonders but leaving things salty not a big deal. What you think?
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Unread post by Tsawwassen »

AJSpencer wrote: The plugs for boards, for breathing? Do you guys take this out after every session?
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Unread post by more force 4 »

In assuming the kite foil boards are the same setup so its not drifting the thread more than normal! That's a brilliant fail safe provided you have enough mast bases to go on every board. I was always told to put it in and leave it in. Unless flying with it. I gather a board can be damaged
by hot sun expansion or cold shrinkage?
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Unread post by KUS »

AJSpencer wrote:The plugs for boards, for breathing? Do you guys take this out after every session? With my new board, I thought I better, but then I was out the other day and realized I forgot to put it in! Probably got a bunch of water in there... Now I took it out so it could vent out and I'll try harder to remember but, I'm wondering if most people just leave them in all the time for this reason.
Also, do people rinse off their sails to get the salt, sand, seaweeds, or whatever else off or not? ... Do you rinse salt out of mast bases, booms, etc.?

I think a bit of lube/oil once in a while for mechanical parts does wonders but leaving things salty not a big deal. What you think?
uhhh I had the note to leave the plug in the base if you really must....and that video guy spilled the goods.... :roll: well, I have for years now NEVER taken the plugs out...if you do sure as hell you forget or put them back in and have different temps or pressure introduced or wear out the O ring, strip the threads, put a hole in the board with the slipping screwdriver....ask me how I know all of those!....leave it alone. Even when flying, unless you are suntanning the board on the beach which causes other issues, leave it alone! My 2 bits

As for what scratches your sail, SALT and SAND....even when you are driving!! as for what causes mould and stains, FRESH WATER....I turn my gear over but if you want to take care of things, shake sail and wash the monofilm window (only) with fresh, then let it dry at home before storing it, there are protectants out there too you can apply to make the window nice and clean, slick and prevent scratching....chances are you crush your sail with a board or someone sitting on it someday and do way worse damage with a kink anyway. Use it, don't be too careless or crush things, all fine. As for rinsing, I don't find that necessary unless you have alu booms....and even then you will NEVER get all the salt out and they will eventually rot out...carbon solves that :idea:

PS don't ever freeze your boards, vent plugs in or not.... won't help
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Unread post by eastside »

My boards have been in my unheated garage for years. Seem to be no worse for wear? Vent plugs always in, except sometimes in the Gorge if it’s hot.
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Unread post by KUS »

-10, bit of water in the board, done. I don’t think your garage gets that cold?
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